5 Ways to Master the FIGHT 

5 Ways to Master the FIGHT 

By Vanessa Weingarten

Whether you have already made it into class, or you are in the corner of the ring getting ready to make the jump, we’ve got a few pointers for you! 


First of all, get ready to enjoy the next 60 minutes **or 90 if you’re a Saturday champ**, and find out something about your fighting style. Maybe you’ll discover you love to pump your jab. You are all about speed on that bag. Body shots thrill you. Or that burpees really aren’t as bad as you remember.... or maybe they are. 

No matter your level, here are a few pointers that will make your workout and boxing skills easier to grasp. 


Keep your cool, enjoy your punches, and don’t stress about the combos. With time, you will see your memory improve and combos rolling out as muscle memory takes over. In FIGHT, we find that our focus on coordination takes over the better of our athletic abilities. This leads to our frustration, and then the last 60 seconds feels as though it may never end. When you find yourself stuck in your own head, take a step back and remember you’re here to get better.  Take it back to what you know best. Throw your jab. Then reset, you’ve got it. 


To bring boxing back to its basics is never easy. We get caught up in the flashy footwork, long combos, and excitement for that next CONTEND class. When you wipe away everything that layers our sweet science, we always need to stay true to foundations. Our face needs to be protected, and our legs need to be balanced and strong. 


It’s no surprise that what we do in FIGHT is cardiovascular. If you’ve been fighting with us, you know how much conditioning, sweat, and sometimes the thought of “am I making it out of here alive?” might frequent our minds. With every punch, exhale! We find ourselves holding our breathe due to excitement or focus or general anxiety, and soon enough you’ll be gassed. Keep that in mind and remember that your breath is what will keep you pushing. Breathing will not only help with your conditioning, but with your rhythm, and relaxation as well. 


Unless you are face to face in the ring, the skill or training time of others shouldn’t slow you down (or speed you up more than you’re ready.) We’re lucky to have FIGHT be so community driven that the push from our friends and coaches keeps us going. Don’t let the energy of the person next to you hinder your work, but instead take it and remember to fight your own battle.


Boxing is a solo sport when it comes to your rounds on that bag. The voice in your head will either tell you to keep going or maybe it’s time to stop. I’ve found no greater strength in myself than within those final rounds. Whether it is through bag work, burpees, pushups, or sprints on the skill mill, I know my inner coach gets stronger every training session. The longer we can push ourselves, the further we can push our rounds. 

When it comes to technique, there can so much to remember! Once you find your rhythm in boxing, your own pointers will keep you going. Try a few of mine, and let’s see you push it in FIGHT one of these days!