To be consistent and stay motivated in our training it really helps to have a strong why . Long term our fitness becomes more about longevity than looking good naked (although there’s no reason this cannot continue to inspire us). The question of why we should continue to strength train as we get older has been heavily researched and documented in recent years . It is now not uncommon to see people continuing to train into their 80’s and 90’s , largely because we now understand the benefits and know what happens if we do not include resistance exercises in our lives . There can’t be much of a stronger why than the desire to live a long and healthy life. With that in mind, the following article looks at 7 benefits of lifting weights as you get older 


Muscle ultimately makes up 40% of our mass and its development is defense against the stressors that damage our cells and cause them to age faster than they should . But After the age of 30, our muscles start to naturally shrink. Muscle mass can decline at an approximate rate of 3-5 percent per year, so we are already fighting the first stages of aging from 30 onwards (which none of us think of as being old).  The cause of muscle aging is related to oxidative stress (where antioxidant levels are lower than normal), cell death, inflammation, hormonal dysregulation, inactivity, lack of protein and mitochondrial (the ATP energy factory in cells) dysfunction. By adding strength training to your program, you can start to regain some of that required strength in your body as it naturally declines. If you are a woman going through menopause, then you will also be dealing with hormonal disturbances that can impact your ability to gain muscle easily, so the earlier you start lifting, the more prepared your body will be for aging. In Men, the ongoing decline of testosterone will likely lead to a loss of muscle , energy , libido , focus and overall productivity.  Without strength training we lose about 30-40% strength between 30 and 60. We typically lose lean muscle and increase fat and although it is acceptable to see an increase in weight beyond our 30’s it is within our power to dramatically reduce the vast negative implications that aging presents.


Contrary to much of the information we’ve been told, Strength training actually burns more fat than cardio. 

When you strength train you continue to burn calories for up to 24 hr after (Excess post exercise oxygen consumption). Lean muscle boosts your metabolism as your muscles need nutrition (calories) to thrive whereas fat is just lazy. If you have increased muscle mass, your body will use your food more efficiently (think a Ferrari here) whereas increased body fat is just like feeding a broken down old car. Strength training ultimately results in less body fat and prevents weight (fat) gain over time. Remember the goal is not to eat less and deny yourself the things you enjoy but to NEED more because your hot rod body needs the fuel to go fast and far !


When we are active and accomplish physical things we release endorphins .  The release of these endorphins (chemicals in the brain) act as natural painkillers and mood elevators . They have also been shown to help alleviate stress levels and feelings of anxiety and depression

Serotonin is another chemical that is increased when exercising. This neurotransmitter plays a key role in mood regulation. Without enough of it we can fall victim to negative thoughts and emotions 

It’s worth considering the fact that the increase in anxiety and depression in modern society may well be connected to a lack of activity. We were not built to be sedentary , stay inside all day , sit for hours in a chair at a desk or on a couch . We were built and evolved to be hunter - gatherers. We developed speed, strength and stamina to hunt, feed, protect,fight and survive. We spent hours in natural daylight surrounded by nature . That existence is a far cry from the lives that many of us live today. We have removed ourselves from our natural state and our souls have not adapted to this new condition. Now you don’t need to go live in a cave to be happy but at the very least we should look to provide our body with the stimulus it craves .


Reinforces better mechanics and posture. Improves tough elasticity and lubrication of tendons and ligaments. If you have a strong body you are protecting your joints, and you are building a system of muscles that can contract, react, and bounce back helping you to stay injury free and mobile. One of the biggest causes of decline and death is the simple act of falling over . You fall , you break a hip , you become immobile , you move less, you gain weight, the likelihood of disease increases… the slippery slope of decline starts with something so simple. And we can help ourselves by staying strong, alert and agile !


Having a functioning body with a good metabolism will help us fight some of the major diseases and illnesses that plight us as we age. Supporting our structure against osteoporosis is a basic essential requirement if we are to enjoy our life moving forward. Having a strategic exercise plan is one of the proven ways for women to fight epidemic diseases like diabetes and heart disease, one of the biggest causes of death in females. Through strength training we can improve our bone density by 1% every year  and fight the trend of decay as we age. 


Controls blood sugar levels. Your body transports glucose from your bloodstream to your muscles more efficiently. Improves insulin sensitivity. Lower risk of heart disease. A lean body, created by strength training will dramatically reduce your risk of heart disease + heart attack by 40-70%! 


 Our bodies need to move, they are not built to be sedentary. They need blood flow, oxygen to the working muscles, sinovial fluid, strong ligaments, strong tendons ..all of these are improved with strength training. A 12-month study using strength training with overweight women averaging 46 years old showed a decrease in CRP (c-reactive protein, a substance produced in liver that indicates systemic inflammation)  A nine-week study featuring young men and women training with heavier weight loads caused a decrease in one pro-inflammatory cytokine. Bottom line: Ligaments, tendons , muscles, bones and blood flow need us to move to stay strong and if they do not stay strong we will not stay functional !

The role of muscle. The power of mind.

In conclusion, when it comes to strength training, we are really talking about two things . Strength training to improve  the signaling of our neuromuscular system and strength training to improve our muscular and skeletal system .

In the beginning much of the improvement we see is actually due to better signaling. Our brain tells our bodies to perform actions and our bodies get better at performing those actions more fluidly. Obviously as we age it is in our interests to keep as many motor units recruited as possible so  that we can continue to be as mobile as possible for as long as possible (keep the lights on) 

Once signaling is sufficient improvements in the muscular and skeletal system can be emphasized… we increase the size of our muscle fibers,  the density of our bones and elasticity of our ligaments and tendons. The net result is a higher metabolic rate due to increased muscle mass (muscle needs calories), better movement quality, more movement frequency, greater proprioception and improved mood (due to a better quality of life).  Muscle ultimately make up 40% of our mass and its development is defense against the stressors that damage our cells and cause them to age faster than they should . We are in a society that loves to make ourselves younger from the outside in but truthfully long term the work needs to be done from the inside out.

Emylee Covell